Over the past few years, we have donated millions of dollars to local charities; none of which would be possible without our awesome members! That’s why we have introduced “Swipe it Forward” - a way to celebrate the fact that each time you swipe a GTE Financial debit or credit card, you’re giving back in a BIG way! Just think, that daily coffee run you make is helping keep hundreds of children safe in afterschool programs at a Boys and Girls Club. Oh, and how the habitual Uber Eats ordering is providing a Southeastern Guide Dog to a recipient whose new companion also means freedom. Follow the charities link below to learn more about our philanthropic impact and the charitable organizations we support:

Make a Difference
It pays to Swipe!
Swipe it Forward
Every swipe helps! If you don't already have a GTE credit card, we have some great options available. Whether you're looking for a great rate, wanting to build credit, or seeking rewards, we've got the card for you. Start swiping it forward today! If you're not already a member of GTE Financial, you may use the link below to join; GTE offers membership that makes a difference!