woman looking at man as they discuss something

Financial Workshops

No matter where you are in life: buying your first car, needing information for your first mortgage, looking to save for your child’s college, or wondering just how much money you’ll need to retire, we're here for you.

Retirement Income Planning: How to design your retirement paycheck

Date: December 11th

Time: 5:00PM webinar

No matter where you are in life: buying your first car, needing information for your first mortgage, looking to save for your child’s college, or wondering just how much money you’ll need to retire, we're here for you.

You'll learn:

  • Why a retirement income plan is crucial
  • How to estimate your retirement income needs
  • Where to look for retirement income
  • How taxes could affect you in retirement
  • The pros & cons of the 4 most popular withdrawal methods

For more details, contact our Financial Wellness Department at 813.871.2690 or toll-free 1.888.871.2690 ext. 44601, or email FinancialWellness@gtefinancial.org