Bill Pay

Bill Pay

Save Time and Money with Bill Pay!

Stop writing and mailing checks, or jumping from website to website to pay bills - use GTE Bill Pay to conveniently and securely pay all your bills, from any computer, 24/7/365. Best of all, Bill Pay is free to use with your GTE Checking Account

More Bill Pay Benefits:

  • Receive and pay eBills with hundreds of billers 
  • Payments are GUARANTEED to be on-time
  • Save money on stamps, envelopes, and paper
  • 24 months of your Bill Pay account history is available online
  • Pay and keep track of all your billers, including account numbers and addresses, which you can update anytime
  • Make one-time or set up automatic, recurring payments 
  • Schedule advance payments to avoid being late
  • Receive email reminders when a payment is due and confirmation when payments have been made
  • Send or receive money using Zelle®

Make paying your bills one less thing you worry about each month! Start using Bill Pay now through GTE Online Banking.

Using Bill Pay

Remember the days when everyone wrote checks? You received a bill in the mail with a due date. You endorsed a check and then mailed it to the biller’s address, allowing enough time for your payment to be received by the due date. When the biller received your check, they cashed it and the funds were deducted from your account.

Basically, GTE’s online Bill Pay works the exact same way…but with major benefits!

  1. Login to GTE Online Banking and complete enrollment.
  2. To access Bill Pay, please click on ‘Bill Pay’ under ‘Additional Services’ in the main navigation. Once you are on the Bill Pay page, use the top navigation to ‘Add a Bill’ (this is where you would input your biller and account information), view history, manage bills, access Zelle®, view your account and update your profile.
  3. When you are getting ready to pay a biller, here are the steps:
  • You reference your bill’s due date and schedule a payment date prior to your due date so that your payment arrives on time. The calendar feature will help select the earliest possible Pay Date.
  • Bill Pay is like your personal assistant! You tell us what Pay Date you want, and then we make sure your payment is there on time.

Electronic: The vast majority of payments are made electronically, and funds will not be deducted from your account until your Pay Date.

Check: For payments that must be made with a check, GTE sends the check for you. Funds are deducted when the biller processes the check – just like a check you would send.

View: GTE will choose the best option between electronic and check payments based on biller specifications. Within the Bill Pay system, you will be able to view how your payment was made.

Best of all, your payments are protected by advanced security, unlike checks that sit in a mailbox that could get lost, and all payments are GUARANTEED to arrive by their scheduled Pay Date. If we fail to process a payment in accordance with your instructions, we will reimburse any late charges assessed by the payee.

EXTRA BENEFITS! When you pay your bills online through Bill Pay, it cuts out the paper waste and extra time it takes to mail in a check. You also save money. No more paying for envelopes, paper checks and stamps.

If you ever get stuck, click the ‘Help’ button next to the ‘Sign out’ button on the Bill Pay screen.

How Money is Deducted

Bill Pay works exactly like a check, except no more stamps and envelopes. Plus, GTE sends your payment for you! In Bill Pay, funds are deducted from your account when the biller receives and processes your payment, which allows you to keep your money for longer. Although you’re scheduling payments online, versus writing checks, Bill Pay uses the same familiar process. The money will only be deducted from your account when the biller processes your payment!